Cat Gambling!

Hey there!
This is a randomized cat design gacha game pretty much!
Pay to roll and get a design, easy as that. The excitement is not knowing what it’ll look like!

A little explanation if you’re confused:
Accessory: Can vary from a simple bow to a godly weapon depending on the machine!
Unusual Marking: A fun heart mark to a full on skull marking!
Rare Marking: Leopard spots, tiger stripes, those look like fish on their fur,,, thats cool!
Rare Breed: This isn’t just limited to housecat breeds no, take a chance with getting a bobcat or something even bigger!
Mutation: Hey why do they have 2 tails… 4 ears? 6 toes?? Whats going on????

To be clear: You are guaranteed a cat with each roll so if you roll 3 times you get 3 cats!
The intensity of mutations, detail of accessories and distinctiveness of markings increases with each machine.
Even if you get very unlucky I will do my best to make your cat a unique and satisfactory design!

Basic Machine

5$ per roll

Accessory: 20%
Unusual Marking: 15%
Rare Breed: 2%
Mutation: 1%

Expect a memorable but rather plain cat, a special marking or two but on the whole a simple fellow.

Unusual Machine

15$ per roll

Accessory: 40%
Unusual Marking: 70%
Rare Marking: 1%
Rare Breed: 10%
Mutation: 10%

Cats from here are more likely to have a striking defining feature. Maybe even a little accessory for some more flair!

Rare Machine

20$ per roll

Accessory: 70%
Rare Marking: 90%
Rare Breed: 90%
Mutation: 50%

Whos that dazzling feline? So many colours, such striking patterns, truly one of a kind!

Stellar Machine

$50 per roll

Accessory: 100%
Rare Marking: 100%
Rare Breed: 100%
Mutation: N/A

This machine is much different compared to the others, it will give you a cat based on an astronomical phenomenon! Beautiful and celestial, these cats are 100% guaranteed to surpass your expectations!